The AFRO American Newspaper emerged in 1892 in a post-Reconstruction era America, founded, financed and operated by entrepreneurs who had once been enslaved. Afro Charities — the organization that stewards the AFRO Archives, is proud to have first-hand access to the blueprints for our survival. The AFRO has persevered through Jim Crow, two World Wars, the Civil Rights Movement, and more. Afro Charities’ teacher and student trainings provide guidance on how to access the AFRO Archives remotely.
Their archival processing and reference services ensure that people all over the world can access the rich history within these collections. In times when truth itself seems under siege, the archives become anchors of accountability, preventing the erasure and distortion of our stories. Afro Charities’ mission is to protect these materials and to promote them through innovative programming that reaches both hyper local and international audiences, extending this sense of historical rootedness to the wider public.