What Can Public Art Do? A Conversation with Kate Gilbert, Dr. Deborah Willis and Kimberly Bradley

In recent decades, art in the public space has become far more dynamic in its presentation, as well as increasingly visible, accessible, and sometimes provocative. What role does public art play in facing the challenges of our times? How can art best aid in building communities, affecting social change, or even resisting oppression? What could be, or should be, the future of public art?

Kate Gilbert, Executive Director, Boston Public Art Triennial, Boston
Dr. Deborah Willis, Artist, Curator and Historian, New York
Moderator: Kimberly Bradley, Conversations Curator, Art Basel

This conversation isfree and open to the public, RSVP below. A recording of the Conversation will be available on Art Basel’s website and Youtube channel after the event.


Friday, December 6, 2024, 4 – 5 PM
Art Basel Miami
1901 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach

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